Monday, November 7, 2022


As the war rages back and forth the Empire shifts its focus from the southern sector to the east. They encounter the well-fortified Commonwealth positions along the Big Wet Prairie River at the Gross Point Crossings. Undaunted, they mass and are set to assault the position head on. 

The key objectives for the Empire would be to take the bridges across the Big Wet Prairie River and break the fortified hill position of the UPC.
The Battlefield Looking West Across the Big Wet Prairie River. The Key UPC Defenses are in the Center.  
The Starting Positions with the Empire at the Bottom and UPC Top

The Starting Positions Facing East from Behind the UPC Entrenchments.

The Starting Positions Looking North. The UPC Fortifications in Top Center, Garrison in Gross Point Village, with the Empire Battleline Stretching Along the Right Side.  

The Empires Initial Assault on Gross Point Village. The Lead Empire Battalion, (Hollingsworth's) Suffering Heavy Casualties from the UPC Baysnight Grenadiers Accurate Fire.   

The Empire's Combined Fire from Artillery and Infantry have Driven Off the UPC Light Infantry Holding Redoubt C, Opening up the River Line for Assault. 

Overview of the Early Point of the Battle. The Empire's Flanking Assault on the South Bridge can Just be Seen in the Upper Left Corner. 

Early Battle View Looking South. The Empire's Assault on the South Bridge and Supporting Cavalry can be Seen at the Top. To the Upper Left is the Empire's Massed Attack on Gross Point Village. 

Mid Battle. Swift's Regiment of Cuirassier for the UPC Have Driven the Empire's Lord Pawling's Cuirassier Back Across the South Bridge, Thus Splitting the Empire's Infantry on the North Side of the Bridge in Two. 

The Battle Swings Back the Other Way as Massed Empire Cavalry Drives Back Across the South Bridge, but the Time Taken has Allowed the UPC Infantry to Form a Battleline to Meet the Threat. 

Having Driven All the UPC Infantry from the Forward Redoubts and Captures the Bridges Along the River the Empire Begins the Assault on the Now Under Manned Main Fortifications. 

Massed and Ready the Empire Starts the Attack on the UPC's Walled Enclosure. Both Armies are Nearing Collapse from the Intense Fighting of the Day. Will this Final Assault be Enough to Break the UPC?  

The Scene at the Battles End. The UPC Assailed on all Sides but Still Holding On. How Had the Defenders Managed This?  

The Heroes of Gross Point Village. They Stopped Every Attempt to Dislodge Them and Because of Their Efforts Lead to the Breaking of the Empire's Forces at the Battle.
EPPELOG: This was a very close-run game. Both sides were on the brink of army collapse and the Empire players could taste victory in their next turns assaults, but it was not to be. The UPC's Baysmoon Grenadiers did what they had done all game and broke the last attackers sent against them. 
Victory Points stand at: Empire 1, UPC 3

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