Thursday, June 13, 2024



After over a years' time of playing I felt there were a number of things missing from the rules used for the Dog Wars Campaigns. The primary goal was to get more turns in and to have a more dynamic, cascading effect on army collapse to provide a more definitive resolution. Things I felt were slowing things down was close combat not being as decisive as I wanted it, maneuvers taking too long and morale lacking a serious effect. Rules have been altered, played a number of times and things seem to be improving on overall game play. 

This was the first play test battle after the changes.

The Armies Approach. Both Sides had Little Terrain to Interfere with Their Movement to Come to Grips With Each other.  

First Clash of Cavalry. 

The Opposite Flanks Cavalry Eyeing Each Other Up.

With the Empire's Cavalry having Driven off Their Opposite Number They Prepare to Assault the UPCs Flank. 

In the Center it was the Clash of the Titans. Both Sides Guards and Grenadiers Went at it. While Heavily Battered the Empire's Guard Held Like a Rock. 

On the Southern Flank Both Sides Cavalry are Fully Engaged, Both Battered and Reforming for a Further Clash. In the Central Background the UPS Infantry Begins to Open a Hole and Start Turning the Exposed Empire Flank.
In the end the game was very close with the UPC having a slight edge with fewer units lost. The additional Victory Points being tested for captured artillery. captured flags and loss of Generals made the swing a bit more pronounced. Further battles will continue to test the value of the changes. 

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 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...