Wednesday, November 2, 2022

BATTLE OF PARK RIDGE - Spring Campaign Battle 2


Having held the Empire forces at North Brook the UPC follows up their retiring foes. The Empire makes its stand on a low hill line along the Park Ridge. Wasting little time, the UPC prepares their assault looking to press the Empire back into their heartlands.

Park Ridge covers the Northwestern area just outside the key farm territory that feeds the vast Onion City. A loss by the Wolfenstein Empire here would mean devastation of these fields and extreme hardship for those in the Great Western City. 

The Armies Deployed for Battle. The Wolfenstein Empire on the Left Hold the High Ground as the United Packs Commonwealth (UPC) on the Right Begin Their Assault. 

View of the Battlefield from Behind the Advancing UPC Lines. 

Empire Artillery and Infantry Vollie's take their toll of the Advancing UPC Forces. 

With Nothing Else for it Other Than a Direct Assault the UPC Advances with the Cold Steel. 

Combined UPC Infantry and Cavalry Batter at the Empire First Line While Behind can be Seen the Stoic Ranks of Empire Infantry Holding the High Ground. 

More UPC Troops Being Feed into the Line, but to no Avail. The Empire Can Not be Budged.
With night falling the UPC could not win past to the green fields beyond. Both the army and the Empires Gleaming city have both been saved. 

Victory Points Standing: Empire 1, UPC 1

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