Monday, October 24, 2022



The Empire of Wolfenstein's New Army Battle Standard
Couriers from your cavalry screen are reporting that they have encountered the opposing enemy light horse in the Plum River Valley near the town of Miller’s Mill. There are signs of an approaching larger force. Your Light Cavalry General recommends advancing to take control of the hills on the opposite side of the river ahead of the enemy.

The Plum River is known to be fordable throughout out the year and is even known to freeze over most winters. As this is late summer no difficulty is expected except possible for the cannon. 

The following information was unknown at the start except by using pre-game cavalry reconnaissance.  

(The river is very shallow due to the dry summer. All units may cross at half rate, and on first attempt each infantry/cavalry may cross as open ground and gain charge bonus on a roll of 4+)

(Hills are steep and slippery and count as bad going moving up or down them. This prevents a charge bonus for moving up hill and provide a height advantage for units above opponents.)

As this was a Meeting Engagement the Victory Conditions were simple: Drive enemy forces from the field.

The Plum River Valley Near Miller's Mill
The initial turns saw the UPC Light Cavalry successfully defeat its opposite number of the Empire. This led to the entire UPC Battle Cavalry taking the fight quickly to the opposite shore, while being supported by their artillery.  The cameraman (yours truly) was tied up answering numerous questions and forgot to initially take pictures. The following starts from about mid battle. 

In the North the United Packs Commonwealth (UPC) Cavalry Sweeps Across the Very Shallow Plum River.

In the South the Rapid Advance of the UPC Cavalry Meet with Less Combat Effectiveness that Led to a More See-Saw Cavalry Fight, but Still Managed to Stall and Disrupt the Empires Infantry Advance.  

The Empire Battle Cavalry Stuck in the Traffic Jam Behind the Infantry, Caused by the Unexpectedly Rapid Advances of the UPC Cavalry.  

Massed Ranks of UPC Infantry Following up to Support Their Cavalry. The Lone Remaining Empire Cuirassier Squadron has no Choice but to Withdraw. 

Pressed in From All Sides the Empire Forces in the South Begin to Collapse 

In the North the Empire try for a Final Stand. Heavy Casualties from Artillery Fire and Weakened Morale from Routing Cavalry Cause this to Fail. 

Having Fought Completely Through the Lines UPC Cuirassier Face Off Against the Empires Heavy Cavalry. In the Distance the UPCs Massed Ranks of Advancing Infantry can be Seen.

With its Cavalry and Infantry in Flight Across the Front the Empire Hopes to Hold the Advancing Victorious UPC in Check at the Hill Line While the Rest of Their Forces Retreat. 

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