Monday, October 17, 2022

THE BATTLE OF FOX RIVER – Fall Campaign Game 2


Initial Positions as Seen from the UPC Held Heights

Starting Positions as Seen from the Empire Side
Yesterday, the Empire forces of Lord Stalker’s had taken the crossings of the Fox River. A spirited assault by his troops had driven the UPC from the field. His pioneers had swiftly constructed two pontoon bridges over the river. With their completion, he sent forward his ablest commanders, Sir Arfer with his infantry, and Sir Houndsen’s cavalry. His remaining forces where already on the move to join them.

His orders came directly from the Emperor, and where quite clear. Establish a secured crossing of the Fox River so that on the following day the army can continue unimpeded on its drive to Arlington Heights and make those UPC cubs’ howl.

General Snarling’s forces of the Union of Packs Commonwealth’s held the high ground opposite of the Empire crossing point. His senior infantry commander, General Hunter, cautioned that they should hold the high ground and let the Empire dash themselves to pieces. His fiery cavalry commander General Woof, argued for an immediate attack against the Empire on this bank of the river before they could be reinforced. Snarling took a long thoughtful sip of the fine vintage Riesling wine he kept for important decisions. Giving off his well-practiced official throat clearing, he captured his officer’s attention. “Gentlemen, The Senate has made it clear that we are to stop these Empire curs from going any further. In the morning, we will face them, then drive them from the field.

These were the positions and orders for the second battle of the Fall campaign.

Empire Artillery Opens the Battle with a Massive Barrage 
Empire Cavalry Fanout to the Left of Milton the Prepare for Their Attack

Empire Infantry Advance from the Town of Milton

Empire Infantry Begin the Attack on Their Right

The UPC Artillery Cover the Advance of Their Infantry Who Head Down the Slope to Meet the Empire Advance

The Empire Infantry Massed in the Center is Beginning to Suffer Casualties form the Flanking UPC Infantry and its Supporting Artillery Fire

On the Empire Pinning Force on Their East (Right) Flank Tie-up the UPCs Infantry 

On the Western Side of the Field the Great Cavalry Melee Begins. A Weaker Mixed Force of UPC Battle and Light Cavalry Attempt to Halt the More Numerous Battle Cavalry of the Empire

The Cavalry Battle in Full Swing

Empire Battle Cavalry Vs UPC Mixed Cavalry Supported by Infantry and Artillery

The Battle in the Center Heats up as the Masses of Empire Infantry Continue to Thin Their Opposite in the UPC Lines

UPC Cuirassier Retreat and Recover Behind Their Supporting Infantry While Their Hussars try Desperately to Halt the Advancing Empire Cavalry

The Unheard of Happens! The UPC Prowler's Hussars Defeat the Empire Cuirassier by Driving Them into the River 

In the Center the UPCs Combined Arms of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Stop the Empire Advance Cold 

On the Eastern Side the UPC Smashes the Empire at the Bridge

Worn and Demoralized the Empire Center Begins its Retreat

On the Western Side the Arrival of the Empire Infantry is too Little too Late
The Empire suffered from its cavalry being unable to quickly open the area around the Western bridge to allow its supporting infantry to get across and form up. It also suffered on both flanks by having masked its artillery support. Meanwhile the UPC's artillery being on the high ground allowed it to contribute to the overall defense across the entire battlefield. 

Coming soon...the third battle of the Fall campaign, the Battle of the Plum River Valley.

1 comment:

  1. The UPC command group met on the heights as the massive Empire forces approached. Our fearful commander was delayed, and would not be present. Someone was needed to step forward and take charge!
    An immediate cheer of "not it" resounded as the other three stepped back faster than I. Not only would I not be comfortably running my usual infantry, but I would be relegated to overall command. Fine, the Artillery at least is all mine...
    As the gods that be cycled thru the usual rules changes, (reality adjustments? here we are in the second year of playing and just now realizing we had been doing it wrong?), we noticed something that would work to our advantage. During preliminary bombardment, while the Empire scattered shot all across the field, I focused on the vastly superior empire cavalry - demoralizing 2/3 of it before a single unit moved. Not only did they not see us coming, but their route was preordained. UPC! UPC! UPC!



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