Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 It has been nearly a month since I last posted and I can sum up the delay in one phrase, Gen Con Prep. The big show is less than two weeks away, and I will be heading to Indianapolis in a week. Still, I have not only been working, but I have new buildings finished and a couple of AWI games AARs. 

Building Disaster: OK, not really. I have been constructing new 15mm 4Ground buildings for my upcoming WWII game. The first batch is all damage buildings, while the second are more of the intact versions. As usual my goal is to have enough to make towns, and eventually cities to fight in. 

Vehicles Added to Provide Scale. The Central Grand Hotel is Missing its Roof. I Have Spent a Long Time Trying to Dry Fit This. It is a Tricky Thing. 

On the AWI front I ran two games of Rebels and Patriots. The first is a repeat of the previous scenario with new players. This was a reversal of the last fight with the Colonials making a very strong defense against the Loyalist forces. A last-minute surge by the Loyalist Regulars saw them pull off a tie in Honor Points but having suffered tremendous casualties in the process. 

This Time the Colonials Chose to Make Their Initial Stand at the River on Their Left Instead of on the Hill Behind. 

Colonials Also Chose to Make a Direct Defense of the Bridge.

A Command Failure Forced the Light Troops into an Assault Against the Bridge Defenders. This Turned Out to be a Blessing in Disguise. On the Opposite Flank the Colonials Fire has Chased of the Iroquois and Compelled the Loyalist to Advance Through the Woods.   

A Quick Dash by the Light Infantry Took the Bridge Objective, but Only an Amazing Morale Check Allowed Them to Hold it. In the Right Background can be Seen the Loyalist Advance from the Woods into the Open Ground. The Capture of that Objective on the Final Turn Prevented a Loyalist Disaster. 

Consistent Poor Command Rolls and Colonial Firepower Prevented the Rest of the Loyalist Forces Ever Crossing the River. 
A lot has to go right to win a decisive victory in Rebels and Patriots, or a lot wrong. I will have another ARR with my next post, and a preview of some upcoming things in 2024. 

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 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...