Monday, November 28, 2022

TANKSGIVING - Toy for Tots

 This past Thanksgiving week there were a number of games played in support of the Toy for Tots Charitie. The Bulge games were run on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The North Africa games on Wednesday and Saturday, and to round it off a massive Team Yankee game on Saturday as well. Credit goes to HMGS Midwest, Games Plus in Mount Prospect and the Wednesday Night Historical Group who provided the games, space, models and a host of participants. They raised over 80 toys for this worthwhile endeavor.  

I personally participated in the Wednesday North Africa game on the British side, but no others as my work schedule required me elsewhere. I did get to glance in on the games throughout the days, and it looked like a good time was had by everyone. 

North Africa was a Meeting Engagement with the British Vs the Italians in 1940. There was a large mix of armor on both sides. In this timeframe the Italian armor is very good compared to the British. Both sides launched drives from their respective right flanks. The British was tied down until late in the game when they finally started making headway, but too late to be decisive. The Italians did much better and were only stopped at the last moments by the British pulling reinforcements from their center to stem the tide. 

British Starting Point. Australian Mixed Armor, Infantry and Artillery Support on Each Flank Stands British Armor. 

In the Center the Italians Held a Dominate Ridgeline That Held Up British Forces.

British Bring up Australian Reserves to try and Break the Center Deadlock to no Avail.  

On the British Left the Italians Advance with Massed Armor Supported by 90mm Anti-tank Guns.

This Proved Very Effective with Only a Last-Minute Reinforcement from the Center Stopping the Advance Short of Their Objective (Burned Out Tank Bottom of Picture).  

On the British Right Italian Light and Medium Tanks Stall the British for Most of the Game. 

Finally, in the Last Few Turns the British Make a Breakthrough, but it is too Late to be of Any Real Effect. 
In the end the game was a draw with both sides heavily bloodied.
British Command Observes the Carnage Safely from the Rear. 

As this Bulge game was going on simultaneously with the North Africa event, I was unable to get details. The Americans were tasked with holding off an attack by the Gross Deutschland forces along a wide front. In the end accurate German artillery fire and superior tank tactics won the day, giving the Germans a minor victory. 
Start of the Game Showing the US Center.

On Their Right US Tanks Await Behind Cover for the German Advance. 

German Center Advances

And is Slowed by some Accurate Fire. 

German Advances in the Center Continue as US Casualties Begin to Mount Up. 

On the American Right More Disaster Continues. 

On the Left Having Secured the Town the Germans Begin Turning the Flank. 

Near Games End and the Grim Harvest of the American Defense on the Left. 

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