Friday, September 23, 2022

Dog Wars – Battle for the North - Battle of Northbrook


The first battle of the Dog Wars Campaign sees the might of the Wolfenstein Empire advancing into the Union of Packs Commonwealth’s northern lands. The Empire having secured the County Line Bridge and nearby crossings the previous day are preparing to continue their advance in the morning. During the night an advance force from the UPC has taken control of a small hamlet at the crossing of Salt Creek. As dawn approaches both forces prepare for the days coming battle.

Empire Forces Beginning the Crossing of the North Ford

The Union of Packs Commonwealth (UPC) Garrison of Milton Defending Against the Initial Empire Combined Arms Assault

The UPCs Main Body of Troops Arriving

The Empires Initial Assault Being Checked with Little Gained

The Empire's Forces Advancing Across the County Line Bridge

Empire Forces Beginning to Mass in Front of the Town of Milton 

Artillery Exchange Volleys as Empire Grenadiers Begin the Advance  

The UPC Advance to Defend Against the Empires Flanking Attempt

The Empire Begins the Second Assault on Milton Garrison

Empire Heavy Cavalry Sweeps Around the Northern Flank

The Empire Attempt to Turn the Southern Flank

In the end the Empire found itself check across the line. The Empire Command found it difficult to coordinate its three-pronged assault, while the UPC seemed to arrive just in time to hold off each new attack. At days end the Empire was forced to withdraw and seek a different avenue of advance.   

Victory Points Standing: Empire 0, UPC 1

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