Monday, November 6, 2023



The Starting Locations. The UPC on the Left and Empire on the Right.

The second battle of the western front of the Fall Campaign has a repulsed but still highly motivated United Packs Commonwealth (UPC) army attacking the well positioned Empire of Wolfenstein army at the town and heights of Janesville in the Dane County area. With their flanks secured by the Fox River on their left and a massive forest on their right the Empire felt secure along their line of defense. The UPC needed a major success if they were to be able to attack the capital of Dane County by campaigns end. 

The UPC's Well Supported Cavalry Arm Facing Off Against the Empires Grand Battle Cavalry. Questions Remained if These Two Forces Would Clash Today. 

Empire Forces Have Concentrated Their Elite Infantry on and Around the Hill. The UPC have Massed Their Infantry for a Direct Assault on the Town and Valley Beside. 

After the Initial Bombardment the UPC Begin Their Advance. The UPC has Concentrated Their Artillery Attack on the Empires Cavalry, While the Empire has used Theirs to Damage Units Across the Whole UPC Line. 

The Cavalry Arms of Both Sides Leave no Doubt as to Their Intentions as They Open the Battle with Charges Across the Line. 

In the Center the UPC Infantry Advance as the Empire Stand Ready to Meet Them. 

The UPC Spring Their Trap as a Mass of Light Troops Begin to Emerge from the Woods. Both Side Cavalry has seen Success, but the Empire is Finding Itself Suddenly Caught by Concentrated Fire. 

In the Center the UPC Infantry Continues the Advance into the Teeth of the Empire Defenses. So Far Neither Side has made Much Impression on the Other. 

The UPC First Line Falling Back to Recover Yet Still Advancing Along the Entire Length. On the Right the Empire is Bringing in Their Elite Forces to Meet the Attack, but in the Process is Diminishing the Hills Defense. 

The Route of the Empire Cavalry. Unable to Stand Against the Combination of Firepower and Unrelenting Charges the Empire Flank Forces are Swept from the Field. 
After a strong defense the Empire's collapse was both sudden and unexpected. With the hill's troops stripped to concentrate against the UPC's center attack the UPC's right flank commander who had been tasked with holding the Empire in place seized the initiative and went over to the attack. This proved to be the turning point as while the Empire still held, they were being both worn down and pushed back. A sudden failing from a particularly devastating volley of UPC musket fire caused a catastrophic cascade morale failure to the Empires center. Along with the left flanks cavalry collapse it left the whole of the Empires position untenable. What moments before had looked like another Empire success suddenly became a disaster with the Empire needing to quickly retreat to save what was left of the army. 
While a major setback for the Empire the campaign continues with the battles to the east still to determine the fate of these Counties. 

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