Tuesday, September 5, 2023


 I have been meaning to write this post for close to a month now. At the end of July, we played a further game in the random Dog Wars battles. This saw the United Packs Commonwealth attacking a well defended Wolfenstein Empire position. This is a long, slow, battle and I had no illusions of it being played to completion. 

Empire Forces Marching Out of Town to Take Up Their Positions on the Front. 

UPC Cavalry Advance to Try Catching the Empire Infantry Before They Reach the Safety of the Redoubt.  

Empire Cavalry Thwart the UPC from Capturing the Redoubt Undefended. 

The Battlelines Clash. UPC Cavalry Forces the Empire Cavalry Back. UPC Light Infantry Begin to take the Woods. In the Background the can be seen the Assault on the Village.

Cavalry and Infantry Fighting Tooth and Claw for Their Respective Sides. 
By games end the Empire was in a strong position to continue the battle. Neither side had made enough of an impact on their opponents to qualify for a victory. A well fought but inconclusive battle. 

Upon my return from my trip the Fall Campaign will begin. This time the UPC will attempt to gain control of the North. 

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 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...