Monday, June 26, 2023


 This is a wargame blog, so if you are expecting living rooms and a group of revelers, you're in the wrong place. With my friend Bob moving to the wilds of Canada to become a "Damn Fureigner", he has been purging game stuff, so I have now acquired our entire collection of Glorious Revolution figures. These have not seen a gaming fields since 2015. The years have not been kind and I need to do some figure repair, along with getting Bob's bases to match mine. A few things of interest are with Bob moving to Ottawa, I will be inclined to start running my games of The War of 1812, Plan Red - Naval Operations Against Britian in Canada and the Carribean, and I maybe even have to add Perry Miniatures British Intervention Forces (1860's) for Rebels and Patriots. Damn Canadians!!!  When are they just going to accept that they are the 51st through 62nd States of the USA. Yes, I know there are 13 bits of Canada, but I am not sure we want Quebec as a State. Of course, this could just be part of my insidious plan to move all the people from my county up to Canada so we can double their population and take over. Bwaa Ha Ha!!!

Joking aside, I will miss having Bob around to tryout all my crazy ideas on. Best wishes in your new home in the Great White North. 

The other part is I am now in the process of adding new buildings to a number of my games. I have a lot of 4Ground buildings that I need to assemble for AWI, WWII 15mm and Toy Soldiers WWII. There is also a lot of 3D printed buildings for Toy Soldiers Classic, and an entire 6mm cities for Micro Armor. As with most projects I have plenty to keep me painting until the end of time. 
AWI Settlers Cabin

New Toy Soldiers, and Dog Wars Building 1.

Building #2

The Combined Armies for Glorius Revolution. Williamites on the Left, Jacobite's on the Right. As with Most Projects Bob Finished Well Before Me.  

Jacobite Army

The First Battle with Williamites on the Left and Jacobite's on the Right.   

A Closer View from Behind the Jacobite's. 
On a nostalgic level it is interesting to see how my terrain has changed over the years. The GW fuzzy mat is long gone, replaced by Cigar Box printed mats. The hills are still around but now get hidden when used. The river has been replaced, only to be bought again. The buildings are still around but are getting added to. I don't know what became of the bridge, which is to bad as it looks rather nice here. Like with many gaming parts, rules, figures and terrain, it will be interesting to see where it develops in the coming years. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

American War of Independance - On the New York Frontier


This week I ran a game of Rebels and Patriots. I had geared it at 36 points per side as I had expected 4-6 players. It turned out to be only 4 players, so everyone had plenty of troops to use. Unlike a lot of Daniel Mersey's rules, failure to activate a unit does not end your turn. This turned out to be a very good thing as there was a lot of poor dice rolling for activations in this game by both sides. 

The scenario was for a force of British and Loyalists to scout the area to determine the Continentals intentions. For the Continentals it was to prevent the area being scouted and cause as much damage to the Crown forces to make it too costly to continue. 

Colonials Initial Deployment. All of Their on Table Forces are South of the Fox Stream, mostly close to Van Ives's Farm and Scott's Hill. 

About Midway Durning the Game. The British had Been Slow to Deploy, while Their Allied Tories and Natives had been Rapidly Advancing to Bring the Fight to the Colonials. Here Thay have Just Completed Scouting of Green Tree Medow. The Opening in the Upper Right Between the Two Woods. 

A Short Time Later the Natives have Chased Away the 3rd New York from the area of Scott's Hill. They are Coming Under Heavy Fire but have Managed to Scout the Hill. The British 60th Lights have Finally made it to the Bridge. 

Late in the Game the Continental's Rifle and Minutemen have Finally Made an Appearance. Their Firer has Greatly Reduced the Tory Line Infantry. Up Until now The Crown side had Things Going Their Way, but in two Quick Volleys Washington's Riflemen had put Some Serious Hurt on the Crown Troops.   

Games End. The Crown has Succefuly Scouted Three of the Four Areas of the Battlefield. While the Continental Riflemen have Pushed the Win into a Pyric Level.  
Everyone had a good time despite what I can only call some hideous dice rolling. I will be running more of these games in the future. A lesson I hope was learned that while firepower can weaken troops, it takes guts and cold steel to move them off a position. Future games will see players creating their own Commanding Officers, which is something I left out since this was a learning game. 
I feel that each person controlling an 18-point force is sufficient. It will need to be, until I paint up another great block of figures for this game. There already are Culpepper Minutemen, New York and Connecticut Regulars in official uniforms, as well as a large group of the British 24th and now that I have seen them in action, forces from the Iroquois Confederation will all be joining in. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Bits, Bobs and Future Projects

 I have been working on a lot of projects simultaneously, so thought I would share what is coming in the future. First off, if the map is not a giveaway, there are the campaigns. WWII Toy Soldiers, see previous post, 19th Century Unification Wars, Dog Wars, and another project are all being given maps. The first two will be sharing the same map, or at least s similar one. The rest will have their own as their setting are quite different. 

Painting, painting and more painting. My never-ending chore that is self-inflicted. Like most gamers I have enough figures already to keep me at this for two lifetimes. OK, more like three or four lifetimes. I will never be done, as there is always a next project. I don't really finish any project, I just need to add a few more figures. Honest! Everything just needs that extra unit, or two, or three, or dozen, or ... To that end I added the new Army Painter SpeedPaint 2.0 to my collection. It's just a few colors. OK, OK, it's 89 colors, including 10 metals, and as SpeedPaint that means no deep shades, highlights, just each one doing a single full shade coat. Will I use all of these? Oh sure. 

Organized and Ready to Go. 
WWII Toy Soldiers painting continues. I have completed all the basic forces and am now on to the filling out stage, things like more First Line Infantry, Mortars, Anti-tank Rifles, trucks, tanks and so on. I have multiple sets of rules to tryout, Arriba Espana, Xenos Rampant, and Chain of Command. Each of these has their own feel and complexity and I need to decide which works the best for the games I want to run. 
Republican MGs

Royalist MGs

Royalist SMG Unit

Royalist Mortar and Anti-tank Rifle

High Command of Both Sides and Kaboom Markers
Bob and I got in a few play test games of Arriba Espana and Xenoes Rampant. I need to create a crib sheet for Arriba to help track all the things you do in the game. Xenoes turns out to be a bust. We played two games in under twenty minutes, and both were disasters. Xenoes looks like it would be fine to play alternative rules for 40K, but not very good at WWII. 
First Turn of Game One. 

Start of Game Two. We Both Have Learned a Few Things from Our Earlier Playthrough. 

End of Game Two. Bob Nearly Won This as His Forces are About to Breakthrough When His Army Becomes Exhausted. My Own Army was on the Brink of Exhaustion Too. 


 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...