Thursday, March 16, 2023


This third battle is OHW 23 Defense in Depth. Bob chose to defend, so I was on the attack. The objective was for me to exit half of my forces from the opposite side of the field I entered from, with the defense needing to delay me for the 15 turns of the game. There are a few special rules: The Defenders have 4 stands of Irregular Infantry that may move through woods as if it was open ground. The Attackers may not enter woods. These rules were significantly as it meant I could not use the ford at the central woods. It also meant I could not assault the Irregulars if they were inside the woods, and as they were at a -1 in close combat it would prove important. 

The Brown Markers Indicate the Ford Crossings. The Attackers Advance Directly to the Bridge with Infantry and Artillery as the Defenders had Chosen not to Start in the Town. The Defenders did Deployed Irregulars in the Woods that are Able to Provide Harassing Fire Against Both Fords. Their Artillery is Placed on the Hill and Able to Provide Supporting Fire Against all Three River Crossings. The Attackers Sent up Both a Significant Part of Their Infantry and All Their Cavalry to Force the Eastern Ford.  

With no Direct Defense of the Ford the Attackers Rushed Across Suffering Fire from both the Artillery on the Hill and the Irregulars in the Woods. The Defenders Moved Foward to Contest the Bridge Crossing and for the Time, Checked the Assault on the Western Side. 

At the Bridge the Defense had Strengthened, Including Throughout the Town. To the East More Troops Poured Across the Ford and Began to Assault the Irregular Defenders with Both Their Cavalry and Massed Infantry. A Company of Infantry was Sent to Pin the Irregulars in the Woods, Preventing them from Firing and Forced to Either Assault Out, or Maneuverer to a Different Location. 

At the Bridge Massed Fire had Forced the Defender Away and Back into Town, while in the East, Casualties were Build up on the Attackers, Forcing a Number of Companies to be Withdrawn from the Main Fighting. 

In the East Things Began to Turn Against the Defenders with the Attackers Cavalry Making a Successful Charge on the Artillery and Their Infantry Steadily Forcing Back the Defending Irregulars. 

At the Bridge the Attackers have Finally Crossed but are now Surrounded on Three Sides, However Reinforcement are Close at Hand to Continue the Advance as Time is Now Become a Major Issue. 

The Bloody Struggle for the Town can be Seen by the Number of Orange Markers that Indicate Hits Taken by Units.  

In the East the Final Struggle for the Hill. Once Lost this Would Leave a Major Gap that the Attackers Would Use to Race Off the Field. 

At This Critical Moment in the Battle Fate Would Take a Hand in the Way of the Much Needed "Rally Cards" for the Attackers. With There General Now in Direct Control of the Assault He Rallies Both Units for a Further Push. The Defenders are now on the Brink of Collapse Shown by the Three Hits They have, At the Forth Hit They Will Rout from the Field. 

In the East the Last of the Defenders is Overcome and the Attackers are Able to Exit the Main Body of Their Troops, but it is Still not Enough if the Defenders at the Town can Hold Just a Short While Longer. 

The End Comes Swiftly. With Two Defending Companies Routed the Final Defenders are Quickly Overwhelmed by the Attackers Numbers. With the Road now Open the Attackers are Able to Exit Enough Units to Win the Battle.

This was a real struggle by both sides. The Defense came within two turns of holding out long enough for the win. The attackers were aided in no little part by getting both of their Rally Cards back-to-back and able to use them to force the road through town open. Without these the battle could easily have swung to the defenders. 

We have now given these rules a good shake down. There are still some little tweaks we may try, but things are running smoothly. We will play a few more scenarios and if we don't come across and major errors a campaign is coming soon. 

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