Tuesday, February 28, 2023


The Board Setup. The Town on the far Left is the Objective of the Game. The Hill in the Center Background is Impassable. 

Bob and I played the second game in our 19th Century ImagiNation battles. This time it was One Hour Wargames (OHW) 10: Late Arrivals. For this battle Bob chose to be the attackers, so I was on the defense. The scenario has the defenders holding the town and attempting to delay the attackers as their reinforcements slowly trickle in. In this battle we were trying out some optional rules, the first being Reinforced Line where small arms fire only effects the front unit if there are two units in a hex. The second is Assault Column where if two infantry units are in the same hex there is a +1 to hit in close assault for the attacker. If there are multiple units in the same hex, then both suffer hits and retreats results in close combat and from artillery fire. 

Opening Turn with the Defenders Setup in the Woods and Across the Road with Their Left Flank Anchored by the Hill. The Attackers Force of Infantry and Cavalry are all Entering by the Road.

Attackers Launch Their Assault in an Attempt to Open the Road for the Remainder of Their Forces to Exploit. 

Defenders Begin Their Slow Withdrawal Towards the Town Firing as They Go. 

The Attackers Launch a Heavier Assault as the Rest of Their Forces Press on to Town. 

The Defenders Having Weathered the Storm of Assault Continue to Slowly Pull Back.

Having Split the Defender's Line the Attackers Swarm the Individual Defenders.

The Defenders Reinforcements Start to Arrive in the Form of an Artillery Battery with a Brigade of Infantry and Begin the Close Defense of the Town. 

Attackers Finally Get Around the Front Defenders Flank. The Round Token Indicates the Defenders Beginning to Fortify Their Position in Town. 

The Attackers First Assault on the Town. Their Cavalry has Driven Back the Defending Artillery as Their Combined Infantry and Cavalry Battle in the Town. 

The Defenders Reinforce Their Positions in Town as the Pressure Mounts. 

A Decisive Moment Arrives as the Attackers Reach Their Exhaustion Point. They Still have Time to Recover and have Both Their Rally Cards Remaining. 

The Attackers Managed to Temporarily Recover, but it was Too Little to Late and are Forced to Retreat from the Battle. 

The High-Water Mark of the Attack with the Attackers Controlling Nealy Half the Town and Plenty of Supporting Troops on the Way. Timely Reinforcements and Some Decidedly One-Sided Combat Results is What Saved the Day for the Defense.  
Another fun, close game. We both liked the tactical challenge the Optional Rules provided and will continue to use them. There are a few more slight refinements we plan to make to speed up the outcomes some. More on those in the next battle post, which will come in a few weeks, as my work schedule goes into overdrive. 

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