Monday, January 16, 2023


 Projects grow into giant oaks, and so it goes with my Toy Soldiers army. Back around 2009, on a whim, I decided to pick up some of the Eurika Toy Town figures with the idea of putting on a Christmas game. This was a small project as I was only getting about 130 total figures to represent both sides. I painted them up, dug out some simple rules, I think it was Sword and the Flame, and played a few games using a rug, books, and as I recall even a small Christmas tree. That simple project turned into something a bit bigger. I added a few more figures, about double, wrote some simple rules, and put on some more games and to my surprise people really liked this. I had also discovered I really enjoyed putting together these armies, especially coming up with a little background story for each army and why they fought, and oddly, I really liked painting them. I find I keep adding more, continue to tweak the rules, and run games...OK you get it. I am obsessive about these figures. Every time I decide enough is enough and go onto other projects, inevitably during the Christmas season I pull them out for an annual game, then my mind drifts into the dangerous spot of thinking, "You know what would be cool?", and below you can see this year's results.   

The Newest Additions Since Christmas.

The 1st Udderwhere Battalion: The Winter Guard.

The 1st Oberhere Hussars. An Important Addition, as This Gives Both Sides an Independent Light Cavalry Brigade. 

Who the Heck are These Guys?

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 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...