Monday, December 12, 2022

THE RELIEF OF FOX RIVER GROVE - Spring Campaign Battle 5

The Relief of Fox River Grove Commences. 

The Union of Pacts Commonwealth has taken a slight lead in the Spring Campain. This last battle will see if they can turn this into a decisive victory, or will the Empire be able to continue its goals of reduction of UPC gains?

With the Union of Pacts Commonwealths destruction of the Empires Field Army at Ridgeville it freed up troops to rush to the relief of the besieged town of Fox River Grove. This key point along the Fox River if taken would provide the Empire a strong position to continue campaigns into the Northern Territory of the UPC, while its relief would secure this area for the Commonwealth for years to come.

This would be an attack Vs defense battle, with the attackers holding a fort under siege able to launch a supporting attack into the defenders rear if the opportunity arose. 

The Field of Battle as Seen from the West. UPC Forces will be Approaching from the top area.  
Battlefield as Seen from the East. The Town of Fox River Grove on the Lower Right. 

Empire Reserves Await a Breach to be Made for Their Opportunity to Launch an Assault. 

Fort Springtail Under Siege Outside Fox River Grove. 

The Empire's Northern Hill Defenders Await the UPC Onslaught. 

The Southern Hill Defenders. 

Ranks of UPC Infantry Advance on the Hill Position, while on both Flanks Their Cavalry Moves to Envelope the Empire. The Town of Fox River Grove is Under Heavy Pressure. 

With the Town Taken the full Weight of the UPC Hammers at the Empire Forces on the Hills. Behind can be Seen the Empire Reinforcements Beginning to Come Up. The Siege Lines Remain Manned Keeping the Forts Occupants from Joining the Attack.   

Empire Forces Surge Forward to Reinforce the Center and Hold the UPC on the Flanks. 

UPC's Massed Grenadiers Take the Hill, While the Light Infantry in the Woods Drive Back the Empire's Cavalry. The Second Line of Empire Infantry Prepares to Meet the Advance. 

On the Right Flank the UPC Drives the Empires Light Infantry from the Woods and Continues Forward in the Center. Undaunted the Empire Continues to Bring Forward more Reserves to Contest the Next Line of Defenses. 
Despite their wave like advance taking one defensive line after the other the UPC was running out of daylight. As darkness fell the Empire still tenaciously held on to their last line of defense coving the trench lines. The relief was halted short of its goal and rumor of addition approaching Empire forces forced the breakoff from the battle.  
Empire Forces Still Manning the Siege Line. 

The Spring Campaign was over. The UPC had won a minor victory over the Empire. Both sides would go home and lick their wounds while preparing for the next coming Campaign Season. 

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