Monday, April 29, 2024



WOW!!! Where did a quarter of the year go? 

It's hard to believe a bit of illness, family gatherings, and a few conventions have taken up so much time. Enough of the explanation. On to the game. 

The Battle of Slising Hill was a simple encounter battle. Both sides entering from opposite ends with the objective of taking and controlling the central hill. 

The Empty Battlefield. Slising Hill is at the central intersection of the paths just above and to the left of the woods on the far right. 

The Approach. Both the Continentals and the Crown Forces Advance Their Line Units Up the Center. 

Continental Skirmishers Have Driven Back the Crown's Light Infantry on the Flank. In the Center the Hill Blocks Line of Site as Each Side Continues Their Approach. 

In the Center a Charge by Crown Forces is Pushed Back by the Continentals on the Hill. On the Flank Massed Firepower has Driven the Crowns Supporting Troops from the Field. 

A Number of Well-Placed Volleys by the Continentals on the Hill has Seen Off More of the Crown Forces. At the Hills Base Stand the British Grenadiers, the Last Hope to Save the Crown's Day. 

In a Few Quick Volleys the Grenadiers Clear the Hill of the Continental Line, but Minutemen and Militia Press Forward to Take Their Place as the Sun Fades from the Western Sky.  

By Days End the Crown Forces Concede the Field to the Continentals.  
The Crown had a serious opportunity to win the game, by launching a charge with the Grenadiers, but instead choose to shoot the enemy down. While ultimately successful they failed to get on to the hill to gain the victory points they needed. While a very one-sided victory by points, this was a very close-run game. 

In other news I have been slowly building up my Epic Legion Imperialis forces and terrain. I have played a few times, but we are still learning the rules. Everything is slowly creeping forward as new forces appear in every game. 
The Horus Heresy in Epic. The Emperor's Children Space Marines Vs Solar Auxilia loyal to the Death Guard Legion. 

Wreckage and Ruin in the World of Epic. Lots more painting needing to be done.  


 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...