Friday, May 26, 2023

WWII Toy Soldiers Progress - Part 2


I have started working on a map for amongst other things the WWII Toy Soldiers. This is the outline I am working from and there is a lot of changes I will be making, but this is the starting point. 

I got some more figures completed and am close to having enough ready for the first play test. My target is to have that ready early next week. No new troop types like Machineguns and Mortars added yet, but those are next on deck. I thought while I was posting I should add some better pictures of the Republicans. 

Royalist First Line Infantry

Royalist Second Line Infantry and High Command.

Royalist Artillery 

Royalist Army

Republicans and Royalist Side-by-Side View. 

Republican First Line Infantry. 

Republican Second Line Infantry.

Republican Artillery. 

The Republican Army. 

Royalist Defending a Border Town Against a Republican Attack. 

Republicans Storm the Town. 

Republican and Royalist Second Line Infantry Clash Outside of Town. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

WWII Toy Soldiers Progress


I have gotten a bit farther on both the world design and the painting sides of my game. The two sides are now the Royalists and the Republicans, not very original, but it covers the immediate needs of describing them. If you know anything about my style it is that I like Civil Wars with both sides being similar, with only slight variables. 

Background: After the Great Wars the victorious Nations dictated the abdication of all their adversaries' ruling families and their replacement by elected governments. The losing Nations would also have their territories broken up to prevent future wars. This all seemed grand to the victors by promoting democracy around the world, and self-autonomy to the various "repressed" peoples. It was not viewed as well by the people who had lived together for hundreds of years and whose cultures were split apart and given a form of government they know little about. Needless to say, things did not go over as expected. All the reforms did was replace a well governed kingdom with a group of small, self-serving countries. 

Coming: The Return of the King.

Here are additional pictures of the progress. These are not the best, and my wife the photographer would chastise me for taking the group shots facing the sun. I got it right on the rest. 

Republic Army First Line

Republic Second Line Troops

Republic Field Artillery

Republic SMG Troops

Republic Line Officers 

Royalist Test Figures. Still Undecide on the Helmet Color. 
Left side is Brown Violet, Right side is Olive Grey. Opinions Welcome. 

Same as Above, just a more Distant Look. 

A Comparative Look at Royalist Tests and Republican First Line. 
The Royalist Figures are not yet Satin Sealed. 

Republican Army in the Field. 
Note to Self. Keep the Sun at Your Back. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Another New Project - WWII Toy Solders

 I have started another small project, this time it is Between the War/WWII era using toy soldiers. The figures are from Mark Coppelstone's Little Soldiers, which he refers to as pseudo-nostalgic Neo-Retro. What I call them is simple cool.   

This is more of a quick side project as I gear up for the new REALLY big thing, more on that in a future post. I have built two, as of now, unnamed forces, both organized along similar lines of four units of rifleman with a supporting LMG and officer for every other unit. There are two HMGs, a mortar group, anti-tank rifle and artillery gun with crew of four. There is also a second line pair of units, along with either and LMG, or HMG depending on the side. 

This is Army A Awaiting Painting. 

Here is Army B. 
I am envisioning these forces as something along the lines of Balkan's nations, or perhaps something like the opposite sides in the Spanish Civil War. I will be trying out a number of different rules sets such as Xenos Rampant, The Portable Wargame, Command and Colors WWI, or even something of my own design. 
I am also doing something different, at least for me, with all of these figures getting a Satin Varnish coat instead of the normal Dullcoat I use. This to me really changes the look from Historical Figures, to Toy Soldiers. 
First Basic Test Colors Based somewhat on US Regulation Uniform of the Era. 

A More Comple Version that I Rejected. 

The Final Unform for Army A. You can See the Shiny Effect of the Satin Coating on These Vs the Previous Image. This is the Standard Squad of Four Riflemen. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023



It has taken me awhile to get this latest post up. I have had a bout of COVID that knocked me for a loop, and even afterwards left me rather lethargic for nearly a month. 

In preparation for the Fall '23 Dog Wars Campaign I have been running a number of battles that are both unlinked and do not influence the following games but will have an effect on the forces at the start of the Fall Campaign. 

This is a revisit of the Honors of War scenario Surprise at Spittelwitz, but heavily modified on the terrain. The river now only offers protection on the UPC right flank and no longer needs to be crossed by the entire Empire force. Victory still lies in the Empire capturing the Village of Spittelwitz and and hill line defenses. Any other result is a UPC victory. 

Initial Assault of the UPC Forward Redoubts. Slink's Lights can be Seen Evacuating Their Position to Reinforce the Town. 

In Short Order the Left Most UPC Redoubt is Overrun by Empire Line. The Begsforth's Lights are in Serious Trouble and Their Commanding Officer Moves to Rally Them. 

On the UPC Right the Cavalry Reserve Moves to Counter the Advance of the Empire's Cavalry Seen Crossing the River upper right. 

On the Empire Right Whine's Battalion Reforms After Taking the Redoubt as Woofing's and Yowler's Regiments Begin Their Advance Against the UPC Lefts Trenchworks.

In the Center the Shakesalot Rangers Continue to Holdout Against Combined Infantry and Artillery Fire. 

The Village of Spittelwitz Under Attack from Empire Grenadiers, Artillery and Light Infantry. The Defending UPC Grenadiers have been Reinforced by Light Infantry. 

Midpoint in the Battle and the Empire's Flanking Force Arrives. The UPC is Under Extreme Pressure with the Last Redoubt Having Fallen and Their Cavalry Engaged Against and Equal Number of Empire Cavalry, Supported by Light Infantry. 

With the Village of Spittlewitz Cleared of UPC Grenadiers the Empire Begins the Advance to Control the Village and Launch Their Assault on the UPC Main Hill Defenses. 

On the Empire Right Their Infantry Begins Maneuvering for the Assault on the Second Hill Position. 

The Empire Center Working Past the Woods on Their Way to Assault the Right-Side Hill Position.
In the Background can be Seen the UPC Infantry Preparing to Faceoff the Empire's Flanking Attack. 

Empire Cuirassier Rushing into the Kill Box of the UPC's Main Hill Defense. As Can be Seen by the Casualty Markers They Have Paid a Big Price for Their Effort.  

UPC's Reserve Cavalry Smashed by the Empire's Cuirassier, with Empire Grenadiers and Light Infantry Bringing Pressure to the Rear and Flank for the Main UPC Hill Defenses. 

Empire Forces in Full Control of Their First Objective with the Village of Spittelwitz Flooded with Empire Troops. They Main UPC Hill Defenses can Clearly be Seen Nearly Surrounded by Empire Forces. 

The Empire's First Assault on the UPC's Left Hill, a Combined Force of Line Infantry with Artillery Support. 

The Empire's Center Forces Beginning Their Approach to the Main Hill.

The Empire's Fortunes Begin to Fade. UPC Troops have Returned to Their Trenchworks and Their Fire Becomes Murderous. The Empire's Coordination Begins to Crack Under the Pressure. 

With Assaults Coming from All Sides, It Seems the UPC is in Dire Straits, but at this Critical Moment Four of the Empire's Generals Fall to Enemy Fire.  

As the Unprecedented Disaster Stikes the Empire Leadership, Dame Fortune Smiles More Brilliantly on the UPC as Across the Field Unit after Unit Rallies to Their Colors. 

As Can be Seen in these Pictures Empire Units are Near Breaking Point, while the UPC still Holds Both of the Hills in Strength. 

The Orange Tokens Tell the Grim Story. 
As time ran out it came down to a judgment call. The Empire forces had nine units weakened and near their breaking point, while the UPC had none. With the loss of so many Generals preventing the Empire's recovery I had to call this a UPC victory. 


 This last weekend I ran a game of Post of Honor for two new players, and a pair of veterans. The game was the battle of Lobowitz, the first...